Patterned Fen Photos

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
1998 Digital Orthophoto County Mosaic (MNFI 2006)

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Jesse M. Lincoln

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Jesse M. Lincoln

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Jesse M. Lincoln

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Jesse M. Lincoln

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
1998 Digital Orthophoto County Mosaic (MNFI 2006)

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Dave Kenyon

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Bradford S. Slaughter

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Jesse M. Lincoln

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen

A photo of the Patterned Fen natural community type
Joshua G. Cohen


Cohen, J.G., M.A. Kost, B.S. Slaughter, D.A. Albert, J.M. Lincoln, A.P. Kortenhoven, C.M. Wilton, H.D. Enander, and K.M. Korroch. 2020. Michigan Natural Community Classification [web application]. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Michigan State University Extension, Lansing, Michigan. Available (Accessed: March 4, 2025).