Support Us

Everything Comes From Nature

The quality of every human life is inextricably linked to the natural world.

Michigan's rich biodiversity provides food, shelter, medicine, recreation, and aesthetic enjoyment. Our beautiful natural features also play an important part in our cultural traditions.

Our ecosystems protect water quality, groundwater recharge, nutrient cycling, and soil formation – all essential to health and to our state's economy.

Conservation of Michigan's plant and animal species, the natural communities they compose, and the ecosystems in which they live depends on high quality data.

High quality information is what the experts at Michigan Natural Features Inventory provide.

We do science

  • We Discover
  • We Define
  • We Deliver

We help government, industry, NGOs and the public operate from a sound scientific basis when making decisions that impact our environment.

We educate through outreach programs and training of volunteer community scientists...we inspire the next generation to be knowledgeable stewards of Michigan's biodiversity.

Give to the MNFI endowment, because our Earth has to last forever.

How to Donate

Credit card donations to MNFI can be made securely online and are handled by Michigan State University Development. To make a credit card donation, follow the link below for the fund to which you would like to contribute.

Michigan Natural Features Inventory Endowment Fund

Your donation to our endowment fund will provide support indefinitely in the future.


Michigan Natural Features Inventory Expendable Fund

Your donation to our gift account will be used to support a variety of research needs in the organization.
