Michigan Bat Roost Monitoring Program

There is a current lack of understanding of the basic biology and ecology of bats that is placing great limitations on their conservation efforts in Michigan. The Michigan Bat Roost Monitoring Program (MBRMP) was developed in partnership with the Michigan Natural Features Inventory, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to improve our understand of bat roosting ecology across the state. Bats have been facing numerous novel threats in recent years and, to help protect them from these threats, we need to know when and where they are roosting. The MBRMP is looking for community scientists who are interested in monitoring roosting bats on their property or on public land to provide us with information about their roost sites and the bats that are using them. This information will be used to inform bat conservation across the state.

Report a Bat Roost

QR code for accessing the Report a Bat Roost Form

Scan for the
Roost Survey Form

  • To begin, go to the Roost Survey Form web page, or scan the QR code with your mobile device where a web browser will open.
  • For the web version, select "Open in browser". For the app version, select "Open in the Survey123 field app". If you haven’t downloaded the app to your device or computer yet click the download button and follow the prompts. Once downloaded, follow the same link again and select "Open in the Survey123 field app" to automatically open the form in the app.
  • You do not need to create an ArcGIS Online account to enter or submit data using the app. When opening the app select "Continue without signing in".
  • Both versions of the form are accessible on any device. The app version is ideal for mapping observations in the field, web version for mapping observations out of the field.

Additional Resources

Ann Froschauer/USFWS
Leah Riley/USFWS


Nicolette Sexton (Nicolette.Sexton@affiliate.msu.edu) – Reporting and tech-related questions

John DePue, DNR (DePueJ1@michigan.gov) – State listed/general bat questions

USFWS MI Ecological Services Field Office (EastLansing@fws.gov) – Federally listed/general bat questions

Michigan's Listed Bats

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