Employment and Volunteering

MNFI currently has the following positions available:

Technical Aide - Field Technician on Oak & Wildlife Research Project

Position Overview

Research Technicians to help implement field activities for the Oak Management Research project administered through the Michigan Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, the Applied Forest and Wildlife Ecology Laboratory at Michigan State University, and Michigan Natural Features Inventory. Primary duties include plant sampling and forest inventory in upland oak forest ecosystems, secondary duties include deployment of remote cameras and acoustic recording units across southern Michigan.

Characteristic Duties/Responsibilities

Research Technician(s) needed to help implement field research in support of a large research project administered out of Dr. DeGregorio’s research lab at Michigan State University and Michigan Natural Features Inventory. The project is a collaborative effort with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division.

The Research Technician will maintain and collect field data throughout the summer growing season (May-August) in upland oak forest ecosystems across southern Michigan State Game Areas (SGA). Primary responsibilities include preparing for and conducting quantitative woody and herbaceous vegetation sampling using standard forestry and plant survey methods (e.g., quadrat, transect). Specific duties include compiling plant species lists, providing descriptions of survey areas, capturing GPS data including survey locations and survey tracks, taking quality site and species photos, reporting findings at weekly or biweekly intervals, and transferring data to excel spreadsheets. Secondary responsibilities include deployment and maintenance of remote cameras and acoustic recording units at a subset of survey sites.

Familiarity and comfort with working and navigating in remote locations of southern Michigan are desired. The Research Technician will be working alone or in groups of two to four surveyors, so the candidate must be comfortable performing some field activities on their own. This position requires travel across southern Michigan for 1-5 days at a time. Occasional overnight travel might be required and during these overnight trips (which could last 1-5 days), lodging and travel will be provided. Occasional weekend work may be required.

Required Qualifications

1. Ability to independently conduct long days of strenuous fieldwork under adverse conditions throughout southern Michigan, including working in remote areas and difficult terrain (proficiency with map reading, navigating with a compass).

2. Intermediate to expert botanical skills in the identification of Michigan plant species.

3. Responsible, honest, self-sufficient, ability to lift and carry research materials, equipment, etc. up to 25 lbs.

Desired Qualifications

1. Experience conducting field-based ecological studies, especially those involving vegetation sampling, mapping, and monitoring.

2. Understanding of standard forest measurements (i.e., basal area sweeps, canopy closure, and size class estimation, tree diameter, and age determination).

3. Commitment to natural resource conservation, and respect for property ownership, scientific credibility, and reliable data.

4. Experience interacting and working collaboratively with natural resource agencies.

Application Process

View full description and apply through the MSU Careers page. Search for posting 1022184 using the Search field.

Applications must include a Letter of interest (1 page max), CV/resume, contact information (email and/or phone) for three references. Please include your start and end dates for which you would be available to work in your cover letter.

Application deadline is March 15, 2025.